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Public Policy



Return to Field Operations - Beginning April 1, 2021, Office of Licensing (OL) and Office of Human Rights (OHR) will shift from its current disposition where the majority of visits, inspections, and investigations are virtual, to one where some, but not all, field operations are conducted face to face.


2021 Session - House Joint Resolution No. 577 - Establishing a joint subcommittee to study oversight of Medicaid managed care organizations and provider networks in the Commonwealth. Passed during 2021 Special Session.


1/18/21: HB 2301 - A BILL to direct the Department of Medical Assistance Services to develop and implement a plan that directs and guides Medicaid managed care organizations in decisions regarding authorization of therapeutic day treatment for children and adolescents and a process for reviewing appeals of such decisions.


Budget Amendment SB1100 Item 313#5s


2021 Legislative Agenda
2020 - MCO Rules
1/27/20 - Caliber Virginia 2020 Legislative Platform
11/22/19 - Final REVISED Caliber Virginia talking Points
12/17 - Caliber Editorial--Healthcare VA
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